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Our Goals

  • Get you the highest possible level of wages through collective bargaining with your employer.
  • Negotiate to provide you with pension benefits and to provide you and your family with medical benefits through collective bargaining.
  • Provide you, through collective bargaining, with protection against being fired at the employer's whim and with rights and protections based on your seniority.
  • Provide you, through the collective bargaining agreement, with a grievance and arbitration process to protect your rights.
  • Make available ITPEU Representatives and on-site shop stewards to make sure your employer is complying with the bargaining agreement and to assist you in pursuing your grievance when it is not.
  • Provide you with the strength of a collective voice during negotiations and at your work place.
  • Provide you with the strength of a collective voice in the election of federal, state and community officials and in the legislative process.
  • Organize the unorganized in order to make our collective voice louder and louder. In Union and in greater numbers, there truly is strength.
  • Link with other unions through the AFL-CIO to pursue our common goals.

Your input is always welcome at the ITPEU. Your participation in your Union's activities is appreciated, necessary and important. For more information, please continue to browse our website or call one of our branch offices.


Contact Us

14 Chatham Center South, Unit B
Savannah, GA 31405 

Ph (912) 349-1154
Fax: (912) 777-5912

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